
Most of our services worked out on a flat rate (AUD$45 per hour).

Payment is simple. Please include your full name (first and last) and your e-mail address as a reference. The e-mail address will be your identity and should match the one that you use to conytact us.

Bank transfer

Bank Name:

Bank Australia

 Account Name:


Account BSB: 313 410
Account Number: 12495930
 Account Type: Saving
Bank Swift Code: MCUUAU31XXX

Credit/Debit Cards via Paypal

Do your payment online to  "Bestmarktutoring" using Paypal. First, enter the amount first in the "Enter Amount" box and then click the "Pay Now" button below.  If you don't have a PayPal account, simply click  "Don't Have PayPal account?" and then continue with your payment.

Enter Amount: